Informed through this trends analysis, David accurately anticipated the 9/11 attack and the ensuing U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. His 2004 forecast correctly foreshadowed a major attack on a U.S. hotel in Egypt and Bin Laden's infamous pre-election video in October, days before the U.S. presidential election. His 2006 forecast published in his 2005 book Bin Laden's Plan accurately anticipated the failed Al Qaeda mega-terrorist plot known as the Atlantic airlines bombings, originally scheduled for the weeks before the U.S. midterm election. David’s success in accurately anticipating this Al Qaeda plot led him to publicize nationally another prediction about a similar Al Qaeda October Surprise plot in 2008 designed to rig the U.S. election in favor of the war hawk John McCain. This 2008 forecast was fulfilled when Al Qaeda launched its greatest surge of terrorism against American targets since 9/11 in the weeks before the 2008 vote. Fortunately, the October Surprise plot failed to achieve its greatest goals, including the largest terrorist attack in world history during the opening days of October inside Mumbai. Similarly, David's 2010 forecast accurately predicted Al Qaeda's most serious plot against the U.S. homeland since 9/11 days before the U.S. midterm election, a scheme to destroy cargo planes flying over the eastern seaboard. In addition to specific Al Qaeda attacks, the patterns analysis has accurately anticipated the outbreak of Al Qaeda wars in the key battlefields identified by contemporary Islamic apocalyptic mythology, from Afghanistan and Northwest Pakistan to Iraq and Syria to Yemen, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.